
Thursday, March 13, 2008

Wired in India

Out of all the places I've visited I've never seen so many tourists with their backpacks full of laptops and cellphones as I have in Dharmasala. It's like a little hip haven for trendy travellers. I guess it's cheap to live here, so people can come here and work from home. Although, maybe they're are just surfing the internet and wasting time in a cafe when they could be exploring India. But hey, that's what I'm doing right now too. I'm just using someone else's computer.

Cellphones are rampant here. Everyone oand their uncle's brothers mother-in-law have one. It's absurd and annoying. One nice thing about hearing cellphone chatter over here, is that I don't understand what the people are saying.

That will be one of the things I will miss the most about being in a foreign country - the fact that I don't have to listen to other peoples annoying conversations. When I'm at a restaurant and some lady is yelling at her child or two people are arguing over something, it's all the same to me. It's just nice sounds. The musical cadance of a language I don't understand.

Here in Dharmasala, there are more Americans then I've seen in any other part of the country and their annoying meaningless banter is so annoying to listen to. I'm not saying that American conversations are more lame then Indians, I'm just saying thiers is the only ones I can understand.

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