
Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Being over here so close to Tibet, I hear more about the drama then I would say in Tuolumne Meadows where I don't read the news, I don't watch the TV and I just sit by the river and paint all day. Those days are nice. But here I am and the drama that's always unfolding is more in my face then usual.

The papers and the people talk about the China crackdown in Tibet. China is so lame. That country is straight out of 1984 and it's creepy. A quote from the Chinese press:

The Dalai is a wolf in monk's robes, a devil with a human face but the heart of a beast. We are now engaged in a fierce blood-and-fire battle with the Dalai clique, a life-and-death battle between us and the enemy."

Imagine calling one of the worlds last peaceful profits a devil? What are they thinking?

I've been reading some literature by the Dali Lama and he speaks of his first dealings with China. The Dali gained control of Tibet when he was just a teenager. He speaks of the Chinese blabbing on and on and not saying anything other then just communist mumbo jumbo about progress, unity, etc.

It coorelates to our presidential canidates who don't actually have any unique opinions, they just blab on about ideas and concepts that they won't follow through with.

Today in the streets of Pokhara, a van with a speakerphone on top and red communist flags on flying off the side slowly rode around town preaching communist nonsense. The same thing was going on in Kerala in the south of India. I think communist ideas arise when things are hard for the general public. They hear these nonsensical ideas about total equality and sharing the work load and they fall prey to it.

They fail to realize that the people who want this type of system only want power. The consolidation of power leads to corruption. Corruption leads to more nonsense in the world. More loser leaders and more idiot ideas.

The more I read about the situatino in Tibet, the more I realize how screwed they are. China doesn't care about those mountain buddhist. China hates religion and the people who follow it. They only want Tibet as a staging ground for the next world war. Tibet has access to many of the rivers in India, so they could easily dry that country up. Tibet is practically impregnable by land attack, so they are already starting to build massive army bases up there. And they also use Tibet as a dumping ground for nuclear waste that other countries give to China to dispose of.

So whenever we buy this crap made it China or anything at Walmart, we're only supplying the future enemy of America with more funds to continue their genocide of the Tibet people.

If China was wise like America, they would have completed this process years ago before the Internet and mass media. They could have put all the Tibetans on little teenie tiny reservations and gave them casinos. But either way, there's a price to pay for behavior like that and it comes back to haunt us all.

As Churchill said, "Democracy is the worst form of government...except for every other form that's been tried." I guess the cold war was never over, just forgotten about for a little while.

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