
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Get a haircut

Today after I finished doing some painting, I wandered around and found a nice barber shop. For a buck f'dee, I was able to get a shave and a haircut.

The barber trimmed up my head and gave me a nice straight razor shave. There's something a little intimidating about getting a shave that way. There's some potential for some serious disfigurement, but on the other hand, I've never had a cleaner shave. I feel like a brand new person. I've probably only shaved three or four times since I've been here and it's always with those cheap indian razors that basically suck.

Some people don't even recognize me. Earlier in the day I was painting by the lake when a bunch of guys came by for a couple things. First they sent the youngest of their crew to have me read a letter that said, we're trying to save up money for a football and would you dontate some cash. After my denial of that, they tried to sell me a bracelet that was ugly. Again, I had to pass. Thirdly they asked me if I wanted to buy some marijuana. After my final rebutal, a few of them stayed to watch me paint.

I'm always impressed with the people who watch me paint over here. My paintings usually take an hour or two a many times the people stay for the whole duration. American's don't have that kind of time or patience.

Anyway, after my haircut I was passing a street corner and one of the guys tried to sell me some marijuana and I was like, 'dude.... it's me? Remember?' It took him a second, but he eventually remembered.

That leads me to story that happened on the way here. I was passing a guy and he asked me something. I thought he said, 'Would you like to do some drinking later?'

"No, no drinking, no drugs, leave me alone, please." I think that was probably the fifth person today who tried to sell me something, so I was a little annoyed. But then the guy said, "No, no no.... trekking. Would you like to do some trekking."

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