
Monday, February 25, 2008

The way things are

As I was painting today, I was showing this kid my sketch book. There were quite a few people around me. The kid was a shoe shiner who was deaf. There are two of these kids and this one is different from the one in the previous story, but this one is actually even cooler with an even better attitude. He was looking through my sketch book when this other guy reached over to look at it. I grabbed it and said that he could look at it when this kid was finished. But when I tried to hand the kid back my book, he had already took off and was waving back with a smile as he walked away. I then gave the book to the other guy.

That shoe shiner kid was used to getting stepped on. (No pun intended) His life was one of always being at the back of the line and having last choice and leftovers. I tried to give him a little equality, but he was so used to being pushed out of the way that he didn't bother even trying. Things are the way they are, and I can't change that. Every country has it's problems and issues, just like every individual has his problems and issues. That only makes sense, since countries are only made up of individuals anyway. One simple artist can't change the ways of the worlds, but they can change me and make me appreciate things in a different light. And by these changes in myself, I can hopefully pass on a little positivity to those I come across. I can't make a shoe shiner the president of some corporation, but I can at least make his day.

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