
Thursday, February 7, 2008

How much to the train station?

So catching a taxi or a rickshaw ride in India is always an adventure. When we left Kovalam, we needed a rickshaw to the airport. Rickshaws are little three wheeled vehicles. They are open on the sides, but have a roof and there's enough room for two people and two big backpacks. Although you can also see a group of six Indians all packed into them as well.

Since we were carrying our large packs and walking down the strip to the place where the cabs all hang out, we were walking targets for salesmen. People come up and bug us for rooms. 'Nice room, only 200.' ' You need room?' 'Clean rooms, western toilets.' This one rickshaw driver came up to us and bug us the whole way. I had my price that I would pay because I asked someone else what a fair price was. He was saying 'No no no... it's this far, two people, big packs, etc.'

I told him that's fine, you can go give someone else a ride. He bugged me long enough that I decided to give him a chance. We drove to the city and he stopped across the street at our hotel.
"Our hotel is over there on the other side of this busy street." I didn't want Ash or I to have to lug our packs across this mad house of a road. He said there was no parking. I was annoyed cause I could have taken another car taxi that offered the same price, but I thought this guy was alright. It just shows that you never know. All I can do is work with the information I have at hand. If the guy turns into a scrub later, then that's his fault not mine.

In Delhi, I had a price in mind when I needed a ride to the train station. So I was asking around and people come bombard you from all sides. Asking for rooms or to eat in their restaurant or for rickshaw rides. I just ignore them most of the time and avoid eye contact. Sometimes I'm rude as can be, but for the most part I try to be polite and silent.

Although there was this one annoying guy who ran up right in front of me bugging me about a room I think, I didn't pay attention and I walked into him, pushing him and I think he fell into the dirty street. I didn't notice though. That was his fault for walking right in front of someone and annoying them.

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