
Thursday, February 28, 2008


Yesterday I was out painting down some old street. I was near this tourist spot (The Patwon Havelli) so I ended up meeting with the shoe shiner kids who are really cool. Between the three of them, they had one pack of life saver type candies. The one kid who was opening it offered me one, and then the other two kids each offered me one as well. I said one was enough, but they each wanted to give me one. I thought that was pretty generous of them. It seems easier to give if you have lots of stuff, but it's much more genuine if you don't have anything.

Later this big group of school kids came by. They were probably in elementary school and they were as annoying as they could be. Loud, obnoxious, asking stupid questions and then repeating these stupid questions. It was quite irratating and normally I can deal with crowds while I'm painting.

One of these annoying children offered me a piece of candy, but I was already chewing one, so I just laid it on my lap. Eventually these annoying brats left and I offered the candy to one of these mellow respectful shoe shiners, none of them wanted it, so we just threw it in the gutter. I didn't want it cause I dont' feel like taking things from people that annoy me but I was impressed that the shoe shiners didn't want it since they dont' have anything.

A while later, we are all sitting there watching me paint and this old hag lady comes around the corner with another guy - possibly her son or something. The guy starts yelling at the kids telling them to get off the porch. Then the old lady yells at me and tells me to get off the porch. Then she retracts her statement and asks if I have any money. Indicating that if I do, I can stay. I say no, and she just yells for me to scram.

I was totally suprised by this, cause most people are pretty cool when I'm out painting. It was a good reminder that not everyone in the world is cool. After the old bat, yells at me, I start to pack up my things. Of course I do this as slowly as possible. I try to be as careful and delibrate as possible. Each move is slow and cautious. With my brush, I delicately clean it off in the water, slowly dry off the excess water on my towel, then straighten out the bristles making sure the entire brush is in perfect condition. I've never taken that long to pack up all my things in my life. Normally I'm like, 'bing, bang, boom, done. Let's go.' But like I said, this lady was irritating to me, so I was obnoxious in return. I can be such an ass sometimes when I want to be.

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