
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

It's time to go

Well I've been here in Jaislamer for almost three weeks. It's a pretty small town to be here for that long and I'm thinking it's now time to head on out.

When I first arrived, I could walk anywhere I felt like it. Then after a little while, I started walking down different streets to avoid pleasent conversations with good people or annoying talks with boring people. Now it seems I can't walk anywhere without seeing someone I've talked with before. The other night it took me two hours to walk back to the hotel from where I was painting.

I think being a painter, I get treated a little different the most people. Usually a little more respectfully. I'm still not exactly sure why that is just yet. Painting is cool and all, but if people liked it so much why don't they buy art or paint themselves?

I think some of the respect comes from the fact that I'm just content in my chilling. I'm not trying to find some excitement, I'm not trying to get drunk, I'm not wasting time with silly conversations, I'm just being. Just sitting there and looking. When someone sees someone else happy, it makes the first person happy. When someone sees someone else content and peaceful, it brings some peace into thier lives. But I really don't know, and I'm still wondering about it all myself.

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