
Monday, January 28, 2008

The Art Show

For a few weeks now, my friend Darush has been asking me to have an art show with him at the ashram. Always the procrastinator I wasn't really in the mood, but just like all my other art shows, it was the motivation of someonelse that got the ball rolling. Everytime we talked, he'd ask when the show was going to be. After it was all said and done I'm glad I did it though. There were many people who really appreciated seeing the works and I sold a few pieces so that will help with the travelling.

We had the show in one of the meditation halls and it was as basic as basic can be. The watercolors were just held up with clothes line and clothes pins. A small table for my sketch book and nothing else. No chairs, no wine, no cheese. Just some art and Darush and I sitting on the floor. I enjoyed the show's simplicity, it really fit my style.

Darush is from Iran and his work consisted of beautiful calligraphy drawings of poems by Rumi. I've never been into poetry really, but that Rumi guy is pretty intense. So the show was a partnership between American and Iranian artists. Our governments don't get along, but people are people wherever you go. And when it comes down to the basics, most people are alright.

1 comment:

  1. How cool Kevin. I enjoyed checking out the flickr photos Ash sent out. Hope you two are having a great trip.
